MQTT for all micro-controllers ! The purpose is to offer MQTT publisher/subscriber functionality to all small micro controllers. Those with just a UART or USB interface.
Example : some cheap STM32 board on eBay.
I know the ESP32 is capable of Wifi and MQTT on TCP/IP , but in my case it was used for its PWM capabilities and enclosed in a metal box.
This program will act as a full MQTT Client gateway and make integration as simple as possible.
This was created because Ethernet or WiFi is still absent in most ( cheap ) controllers .
Also the concept behind is that a central PC or Raspberry PI can act as the intelligent mind behind commodity components.
Working assumptions and features
Topic Names
–The design will take into account some assumptions about topic names and tree-structure to make it simple to use.
Structure topic to and from device :
– if DEVICE is not known yet the serial2mqtt will subscribe to the dst/HOST.PORT/serial2mqtt/# , where PORT is for example ttyUSB0
Serial messages will be JSON array or object
– JSON will be text delimited by newlines
Through the same communication, debugging logs can be handled without disturbing the mqtt flow. Any line that doesn’t start with ‘{’ or be a valid JSON is considered log.
the serial2mqtt establishes the client MQTT link and subscribes to dst/DEVICE/# when DEVICE is known.
when there is a big delay on the serial2mqtt serial input, it will do a serial disconnect and connect attempt , to unlock USB ports
serial2mqtt is event driven and as much as possible unblocking using MQTT in Async mode
one instance of serial2mqtt should be able to handle different serial ports
USB devices coming and going should be tracked by serial2mqtt
Configuration can be command line and config file driven ( JSON ). command line overrides config settings.
The serial2mqtt should be able to reset the device ( hard reset )
The serial2mqtt should be able to program new code into the device
serial2mqtt should be able to program the device through the serial interface, for this purpose a third party app will be launched with the concerned serial port as argument.
Example : [1,“mytopic”,“3.141592653”]
* QOS ,RETAIN, CRC retain are optional
<CRC> : can be checked or not, is calculated on the total JSON string based on the message containing "0000" as temporary CRC. When calculated is in HEX format.
* publish : [1,"dst/topic1","message1",0,0]
* subscribe : [0,"dst/myTopic/#"]
* QOS : 0,1,2 : for QOS, default 0
* RETAIN : 0 or 1 for true or false, default 0
Example publish : [1,“myTopicPi”,“3.141592653”]
Example subscribe : [0,“myTopics/#”]
Example : { "cmd":"MQTT-PUB","topic":"src/device/service/property","message":"1234.66","qos":0,"retained":false }\n
Or just deploy the pre-build versions from the Debug directory , 2 versions available : Linux 64bits Intel and Raspberry Pi ARM. The armv6l also runs on raspberry pi 3. Watch out for the arch command below.
disconnect serial and retry to avoid locking USB ports after timeouts - DONE
write binary image to file and send to microcontroller by activating configured external command , example esptool or stm32flash
implement binary ? why should I ?
command line tool to flash and monitor logs.
– s2m -f file.bin -m -t pi1-USB0
– s2m -f file.bin -m -t steer.USB0
Both lines have the same destination, logical and physical destination , if steer device is connected to pi1 host.
add other MQTT config params in config file : user, pswd, clientId
test with Maple Mini
add static topic through config : “src/DEVICE/serial2mqtt/board” “ESP32-Nodemcu” , which will be published every 5 seconds
add “MQTT-SUB” command to give micro-controller control over topic subscription.
add log level as parameter -l ( T,D,I,W,E ) for TRACE,DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR level
Code design
Per serial port there is a main thread and mqtt threads for callback
The main thread waits for events and handle these primarily. 2 timers in this thread are checked for expiry ( not time critical ) : serial-watchdog and mqtt-connect.
To avoid concurrency issues , the callbacks of the mqtt threads are communicated back by writing an event code on a pipe.
The main threads waits on events : timeout of 1 sec, data on serial file-descriptor or pipe file-descriptor.
The mqtt event of received message is handled directly by writing the message on the serial port.